*Please download ESP8266/NodeMCU program (user can call forgetNetwork() method on button press to erase previous SSID & PSWD and making ESP8266/NodeMCU ready to accept new SSID & PSWD from Android app) from link given below which is to be used to connect ESP8266/NodeMCU with this Android application.
*Reset NodeMCU or ESP8266 after sending new SSID and PASSWORD to see the effect
*Wi-Fi network name: ESP-iConfig
*Wi-Fi network password: config@123
This Android app is able to help an IoT or home automation developer to change or set an SSID & PSWD of the network/router/gateway in ESP8266/NodeMCU without hard-coding and touching the source code of ESP8266/NodeMCU. This program can be integrated with user's own program to update the SSID & PSWD anytime Over-The-Air.
Sometimes we need to change the network/router/gateway with which our electronic system equipped with ESP8266/NodeMCU was previously connected or we need to set a new SSID & PSWD. Now you do not have to hard-code SSID and PSWD of network inside the source code of your ESP8266/NodeMCU. This application is able to get connected with your ESP8266/NodeMCU over the Wi-Fi and sends network credentials Over-The-Air.
This is how it works:
1. Download ESP8266/NodeMCU program from above link.
2. In setup part your ESP8266/NodeMCU will try to find SSID & PSWD of some network on its memory.
4. If it finds any SSID & PSWD, it will try to connected with that network.
5. If it does not find any SSID & PSWD, it will make your ESP8266/NodeMCU as Wi-Fi hotspot & server.
6. Now you have to connect your phone with network of hotspot created by your ESP8266/NodeMCU and run the application. Application will then connect itself with your ESP8266/NodeMCU.
7. Now type SSID & PSWD of the network/router/gateway with which you want your ESP8266/NodeMCU to connect.
8. Press "CONFIGURE SYSTEM" button. SSID & PSWD will be sent to your ESP8266/NodeMCU. Your ESP8266/NodeMCU will turn off Wi-Fi hotspot and save the SSID & PSWD on its memory and will be connected to the network of your choice.
9. Now every time you start your ESP8266/NodeMCU, it will automatically get connected to network of your choice.
10. If you want to connect your ESP8266/NodeMCU to a new network then you have to call forgetNetwork() method inside the program by some button press and your ESP8266/NodeMCU will again make itself a Wi-Fi hotspot to receive new SSID & PSWD after forgetting previous SSID & PSWD.